Karl-Heinz Klopf


Location: Linz / Austria
Completion: 1982
(In co-operation with Gerhard Knogler)


The “Cigarette Tower” in front of the tobacco factory extension in Linz, conceived with Gerhard Knogler, was the first object Klopf created for public space. Although the object did reflect a concept of sculpture that was influenced by traditional monuments, its location at a busy crossroads meant that it responded not only to an urban situation, but also to the definition of urban space. At the same time, the artists intended the tower to enter into a dialogue with the sculpturally influenced heating system by Peter Behrens in the centre of the factory.

(Cigarette Tower, 1982; cor-ten steel, white-coated high-grade steel, 1000 x 420 x 176 cm, Austria Tobacco Company, Linz)

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